% This file is generated from the data of UniGB-UTF32
% in cid2code.txt (Version 09/21/2023)
% for Adobe-GB1-6
% Reference:
%   https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/cmap-resources/
%   Adobe-GB1-6/cid2code.txt
% A newer CMap may be required for some code points.
% And also referred to data of Unicode Standardized Variants
% in StandardizedVariants-16.0.0.txt
% Reference:
%   https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/StandardizedVariants.txt
5140 FE00	FA0C	4697
51C9 FE00	F979	2562
55C0 FE00	FA0D	22032
793C FE00	FA18	22038
79CA FE00	F995	16595
8612 FE00	FA20	22040
88CF FE00	F9E7	8204
90CE FE00	F92C	22031
96A3 FE00	F9F1	20611
% end