Minimal markup for simple text (Wikipedia style) and documentation
- wiki addresses general texts, marked up in the simple style used on Wikipedia;
- niceverb is yet another means of documenting LaTeX packages: it offers syntax-aware typesetting of meta-variables (macro arguments) and for referring to commands (and their syntax) in footnotes, section titles etc.;
- fifinddo aims to parse plain text or (La)TeX files using TeX, and to write the results to an external file; the package is used by another member of the bundle:
- makedoc, which provides the means to produce typeset documentation direct from package files.
See also easylatex txt2latex makedtx doc gmdoc.
The author is Uwe Lück. The package is Copyright © 2009-2015 Uwe Lück.
License: lppl1.3 Version: r0.67 Catalogued: 2017-05-06